Willem Hendrik Buiter

Biographical Information


  Nationality: USA and UK. I lost—to my chagrin—the Dutch citizenship of my birth, because the Dutch constitution adheres to the common but benighted school of thought which holds that if you voluntarily take on another nationality, except through marriage, you are deemed to have given up your Dutch citizenship.
  Married to Anne C. Sibert.
  Hobbies: Science fiction and fantasy novels, poetry, music, theatre, tennis, open source/free software.


2013 FINRA General Securities Representative (Series 7); FINRA Uniform Securities Agent State Law Examination (Series 63); FINRA General Securities Principal (Series 24).
1975 Ph.D. in Economics with Distinction. Dissertation: Temporary Equilibrium and Long-Run Equilibrium. Dissertation Committee: James Tobin, Gary Smith, Katsuhito Iwai. Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York, 1979.
1971 – 1975 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
1973 M.Phil. in Economics. Fields of Concentration: International Economics, Economic Development. Distinction in oral examination.
1972 M.A. in Economics.
1971 B.A. in Economics with First-Class Honours. Awarded Honorary Bachelor Scholarship M.T. Dodds Prize and College Prize by Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
1968 – 1971 Cambridge University, Cambridge, England (Emmanuel College).
1967 – 1968 Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Propaedeuse Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen.
1962 – 1967 European School, Brussels, Belgium. European Baccalaureate.

Principal Employment

 3 December 2019 – present Independent Economic Advisor, Speaker, Commentator and Expert Witness

Previous Employment

September 2015 – June 2022

Adjunct Professor (September 2015–December 2019, January 2022–June 2022) and Visiting Professor (January 2020–December 2021), School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University, New York.

5 February 2018 – 2 December 2019
Special Economic Adviser, Citigroup, Citigroup Global Markets Inc.  New York City, USA.
6 April 2013 – 4 February 2018
Global Chief Economist, Citigroup, New York, USA.
1 January 2010 – 5 April 2013 Global Chief Economist, Citigroup, Citigroup Centre, London, UK.
September 2009 – August 2011 Professor of Political Economy, Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
September 2005 – August 2009 Professor of European Political Economy, European Institute, London School of Economcs and Politcal Science, London, UK.
June 2000 – June 2006 Professor of Economics, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Nulaanstelling).
June 2000 – August 2005 Chief Economist and Special Counsellor to the President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London, UK.
June 1997 – May 2000 External Member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England, London, UK.
September 1994 – May 2000 Professor of International Macroeconomics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
September 1994 – May 2000 Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, UK.
1990 – 1994

Juan T. Trippe Professor of International Economics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.

1985 – 1990 Professor of Economics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.
1982 – 1985 Cassel Professor of Economics with Special Reference to Money and Banking, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
1980 – 1982 Professor of Economics, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.
1979 Consultant, Financial Studies Division, Research Department, International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC, USA.
1977 – 1979 Assistant Professor of Economics and International Affairs, Economics Department and Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA.
1976 – 1977 Lecturer in Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
1975 – 1976 Assistant Professor of Economics and International Affairs, Economics Department and Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA.
1974 – 1975 Research Assistant to Professor James Tobin.
1973 – 1974 Teaching Assistant (part-time) in the Yale University Macroeconomic Theory course under Professors Gary Smith and James Tobin.

Other Professional Experience

May 2019 –
Member of the Advisory Group of Public Wealth - Detter & Co.
April 2019 – April 2023
Member Advisory Scientific Committee of the European System Risk Board (ESRB).
2017 –
Member of the Bretton Woods Committee.
2015 –
Member, Advisory Board of the Sam and Irene Black School of Business, Penn State Erie, the Behrend College.
November 2014 – 2024 Adjunct Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), New York.
2014 – 2019 Member, Shadow ECB Council of Handelsblatt.
2014 – 2016 Member, World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Public Finance and Social Protection Systems.
November 2014 – December 2019 Adjunct Senior Research Scholar, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York.
2014 –

Charter Fellow, Society for Economic Measurement (SEM)

July 2013 - June 2014 Chair, World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Fiscal Sustainability
July 2013 – June 2016 Member, Spinoza-selectiecommissie
June 2009 – Member Asian Development Bank’s International Monetary Advisory Group (IMAG) (other members: Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Dr. Nirupam Bajpai, Dr. Maria Socorro G. Bautista, Prof. Barry Eichengreen, Dr. Masahiro Kawai, Prof. Felipe Larrain, Prof. Joseph Stiglitz, Prof. Charles Wyplosz, Dr. Yu Yongding)
May 2009 – Research Associate, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Australian National University, College of Business and Economics, Canberra, Australia
April 2009 – December 2009 Member, Supervisory Board, Robeco Groep N. V., Rotterdam, the Netherlands
October 2008 – Associate Editor, Journal of Financial Economic Policy
March 2008 – Senior Research Associate of the Financial Markets Group, Regulation and Financial Stability Research Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science.
March 2006 – March 2008 Member ECB Shadow Council
February 2006 – Invited contributing member, Martin Wolf's economists' forum
June 2006 - December 2009 Member, Academic Advisory Board, APG Investments (formerly ABP Investments)
September 2005 – November 2009 Advisor, Goldman Sachs, International
September 2005 – December 2009 Joint Director and owner with Anne C. Sibert of TBE Consulting Limited, a company created to support our economic, financial and monetary advisory and consultancy activities, including frequent public speaking engagements, often organised by Leigh Bureau
March 2005 – March 2007 Chair, Council of Economic Advisors, Second Chamber of Parliament, the Netherlands (Voorzitter Raad van Economisch Adviseurs, Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal, Nederland)
March 2005 Member of the Scientific Advisory Council, Kiel Institute for World Economics
December 2004 – Member Advisory Board, International Economics Programme, Royal Institute of International Affairs ("Chatham House")
April 2004 – Member, Editorial Board, International Economics and Public Policy
December 2003 –

Member, Houblon-Norman Fund Advisory Committee

2003 – 2009

Member, Council of Management, National Institute of Economic and Social Research

October 2003 – Member, Editoral Board, Journal of Restructuring Finance
July 2003 – Member, Council of the Institute for Fiscal Studies
2002 – Member, Advisory Panel, India Policy Forum
Kiel Institute Associate, ASP Lecturer and KISSEP Lecturer.
2002 – Member, Editorial Board, Journal of International Economics and Public Policy
2002 – 2003 International Fellow, CD Howe Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1999 Research Fellow, Center for Economic Studies (CESIfo), Munich, Germany
January 2000 – 2004 Associate Editor, German Economic Review
1998 – 2002 Member, Council of the European Economic Association
1997 Consultant, New Zealand Treasury, Sovereign Net Worth & Comprehensive Net Worth
1997 Advisory Board Member, International Finance
1997 – 1998 Research Fellow, William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan Business School, Ann Arbor, MI
1997 Member, Council of the Royal Economic Society
1996 Advisory Editor, Macroeconomic Dynamics
1996 Member, EMAC Panel of Independent Advisors, Economic and Monetary Committee of the Parliamentary Group of the Party of European Socialists
1995 – 1997 Senior Advisor, Chief Economist's Office, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
1995 Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Finance and Economics
1994 Consultant, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
1994 Consultant, World Bank, IEC, Project on "Reverse Linkage"
1994 Consultant, Inter-American Development Bank, Project on "Fiscal Risk"
1994 Consultant, World Bank (PSD), India, Ghana, Poland, Tunisia, Ecuador, Peru
1993 Member, Board of Advisors, De Economist
1993 Member, Editorial Board, World Bank Research Observer
1993 Consultant, World Bank, Ghana
1993 Consultant, World Bank, Bolivia
1993 Consultant, Interamerican Development Bank, Dominican Republic
1993 Member, International Institute of Public Finance
1992 Advisor, Banco Central de Reserva del Peru
1992 Consultant, Interamerican Development Bank, Ecuador
1992 Consultant, Ministry of Coordination and Planning (Cordiplan), Venezula
August 1992 Visiting Scholar, Research Department, IMF
August 1991 Visiting Scholar, Research Department, IMF
1991 Consultant, Asian Department, Work Bank, Inida
1991 Consultant, Interamerican Development Bank, Peru
1991 – 1996 Member, Editorial Board, European Journal of Political Economy
1990 – Academic Associate, Atlantic Council of the USA
1990 – Consultant, Latin American and Carribean Department, World Bank, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Central America
1989 – 1990 Consultant, Asian Department, World Bank, Philippines
1898 Member, Visiting Committee Economics (Evaluation of economics research programs at Dutch universities), appointed by the Dutch Ministry of Education
1989 – Chairman, Scientific Council, The Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
1989 – 1991 Chair, Council on West European Studies, Yale, University
1988 Member, Scientific Council, The Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
June 1988 Visiting Professor, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
September 1987 – June 1988 Visiting Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science
July – Septemer 1987 Consultant, World Bank, World Development Report
June – July 1986 Visiting Professor, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
July – August 1986 Consultant, Macroeconomics Division, Development Research Department, World Bank
September 1985 – June 1986 Consultant, World Bank, World Development Report and EPD
June – August 1985 Consultant, External Adjustment Division Research Department, International Monetary Fund
1985 – 1986 Member, Verkenningscommissie Economie (Investigative Committee, Economics),appointed by the Dutch Ministry of Education to evaluate economic research at the universities
1984 - 1985 Irving Fisher Visiting Professor, Yale University
August 1984 Lecturer, Yrjo Jahnsson Foundation, Joint Course on International Economics with Avinash Dixit, Finland
January and June 1983 Lecturer, Yrjo Yahnsson Foundation, Joint Course on Macroeconomic Theory with Marcus Miller, Finland
1983 – 1985 Director, Programme in International Macroeconomics, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London
1983 –1985 Advisor, Commission of the European Economic Community ("Dornbusch Group")
1983 Member of the Brookings Panel on Economic Activity
1982 – September 2011 Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, Financial Markets and Monetary Economics Program
July – August 1982 Visiting Scholar, Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund
1982 Member, Monetary Affairs Study Group, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels
1982 Specialist Adviser, House of Commons Select Service Committee of the Treasury and Civil Service, Enquiry into International Monetary Arrangements
1981 Member, Brookings Panel on Economic Activity
1980 Member, SSRC Money Study Group Committee
1980 – 1985 Associate Editor, Economic Journal
1980 Specialist Adviser, House of Commons Select Service Committee on the Treasury and Civil Service, Enquiry into Monetary Policy
June 1980 Co-chairman, Conference on Control and Economics, Princeton, New Jersey
1979 – September 2011 Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research International Studies Program
1978 Associate Editor, World Politics
1977 Consultant, Oxford Analytica Ltd
1976 Consultant, AT & T Management Training

Prizes, Awards, Honours etc.

Honorary Fellow, National Institute of Economic and Social Research - NIESR
2013 Foreign member, Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Royal Society of Sciences of Holland)
2012 Honorary Doctorate from the University of Amsterdam (Universiteit van Amsterdam) "For his important contributions to macroeconomic research, monetary and macroeconomic policy and the public debate on these issues"
2004 Fellow of the European Economic Association
2000 Awarded the Mr N.G. Piersonpenning (the N.G. Pierson medal), jointly with Johannes Witteveen, for contributions to economics
2000 Awarded CBE for "services to economics"
1998 Fellow of the British Academy
1995 Winner of the "Dr. Hendrik Muller Prijs", a prize for the behavioral and social sciences awarded by the "Dr. Hendrik Muller's Vaderlands Fonds" on the recommendation of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences
1993 Winner of the 1993 Second Annual Award of the Sanwa monograph on international financial markets (with Giancarlo Corsetti and Paolo A. Pesenti)
1989 Correspondent van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (Correspondent Member, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences)